Over the last few weeks, we have heard stories of individual parishioner’s journeys with St. John’s, and have been prompted to reflect on our own profound experiences of connection, belonging, and acceptance. As a community of faith, these experiences offer depth to the journey we prepare to embark on this coming year–as we dig deeper together, we journey deeper together. We can step into any fear or trepidation faithfully and joyfully, strengthening our relationships with one another, our existing partnerships and ministries, and our neighbors.
The ministries that provide these opportunities are made possible by you—our current members and supporters. Please prayerfully consider what support you can offer in 2025. As in past years, generous donors within our parish are offering a matching gift and invite you to double your impact by pledging for the first time or, if possible, increasing your pledge. Any increases or new pledges will be matched up to $1,000 each.
During recent Sunday morning forums attendees helped identify and prioritize work that is essential to us as a faith community and needed in the community we serve at this time. See their list of focus areas and resource requests on the right. To continue St. John’s faithful ongoing work and strengthen the ministries most needed, please consider a 5% increase for your 2025 financial pledge. If you have not made a pledge before, or for a while, we invite you to join our journey together and make a pledge for 2025.
Personal connection is vital to several of these ministries, so we encourage you to also consider volunteering 1 additional hour to be the visible face of Christ to those most in need of God’s love in 2025.
In addition to these focus ministries, health insurance premiums will increase by 5% in 2025 and St. John’s personnel committee is recommending a 3% cost of living increase. As our Rector said:
We prioritize budget spending on personnel because of the excellent gifts each staff member brings and the ministry they empower and enable our whole community to do. We also make this budget priority out of a sense of justice. Paying a living wage and striving to be generous in our benefits, is in line with our faith and values. We see our staff as part of our community. Their well-being in an economy of scarcity is part of our work of justice in the wider world.
-The Very Reverend Jered Weber-Johnson
Each contribution, no matter the amount, is a meaningful gift, gratefully received and faithfully used to further the mission and ministry of St. John’s.
Please note, as per the rector’s recent letter, your pledge to the ongoing work of St. John’s community is a higher priority than any possible future capital campaign.
Thank you for being part of this faith community and for your prayerful discernment as we journey together in God’s love.
Focus Ministries
- Migrant Support – 32% increase in the Faith in Action budget
- Guest Preachers & Speakers – additional $6,000 for the liturgy budget
- Big Wonder Child Care – continued affordable rent and support for their scholarship fund
- Local Hunger Relief – over $4,000 increase in the Hunger Relief budget
- Pastoral Care for our own community – more volunteers for Circle of Care and Eucharistic Visitor ministries
- Women’s Group and Welfare – $300 increase to Spiritual Life Groups’ budget
- Children’s Formation & Intergenerational Activities – over $2,000 increase to the Children, Youth, and Family ministry